


Mount Union has given me endless opportunities to become a better professional- from internships to networking opportunities with different sports teams.


B.S. 体育商业



Challenging Perspectives

I am a transfer student at Mount Union. While transferring to Mount has been the best decision I have ever made it challenged me to rethink about what I want to do in my future. I came to Mount as a communications major though after trying a sport business class I loved the idea of working in this field. 然而, switching majors meant giving up on a previous career path that I thought I would pursue my whole life. Being able to talk to the professors and my advisors at Mount helped me realize that it is okay to change your mind on what your future career will look like.



Dr. Braa has been a wonderful mentor to me. She always pushes me in the classroom and is always willing to help me when applying for internships and seeking opportunities that will set me up for my future in the sport business industry. Kevin Intihar, former director of new student programs was my boss as I am a Raider Guide. Kevin helped me become the leader I am today along with building a skillset that will be useful in any field of study. 



I have had the amazing opportunity to be an on-site intern at the National Sports Forum, along with several class projects where I was given the opportunity to sell tickets for the Cleveland Cavaliers, and present a sponsorship activation plan for the Cleveland Browns. Upon graduating, I'd like to work for a professional sports team in sales or sponsorship activation. Mount Union's connections with different teams and sports organizations has helped me gain insight and experience within the field.